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Friday, February 5, 2010

Second Trimester... We have arrived!!!

Well we've made it to the beginning of the second trimester!!! Wooooohooooo!!!

As of yesterday I was 14 weeks!! Rich and I went to the doctor yesterday for our monthly appointment and we finally got to hear the baby's heartbeat!!!! I can't reiterate enough how truly amazing that sounds is!!! Not that it wasn't real before, but hearing the heartbeat just makes it sink in even more that we are going to have a little Miller crawling around!! :) I definitely teared up a little when I heard it. I have a pregnancy journal that goes through each day of pregnancy and tells you how the baby is growing that day and it has been really neat learning how the growing process is progressing, I never would have thought that it was so fast! Our next appointment is in 4 weeks and we'll be getting an ultrasound then to check the anatomy of the baby and to find out if we're having a boy or a girl!!!! I'm really anxious to find out!! I know a lot of women say that they have a "feeling" that it's one or the other... but me, I have no idea!!! Lol. I also have to go get some bloodwork done next week to test for down syndrome. The bloodwork isn't necessarily a test for it specifically, but let's the doctor know if we are canidates to have further testing done. We'll keep our fingers crossed!!

Other than the baby day-dreaming that I've been doing, we've just been laying low and relaxing at home. I now know what all my "Mom" friends were talking about because I have become a huge fan of lounging in my pajama pants, even more than I was before. It's way more comfortable!! I haven't really delved into the whole "maternity clothes" thing yet, but as the days go on, I'm probably going to need to soon!! I feel like my belly is starting to round out a little more now, so it doesn't seems like I'm just getting fat like in my earlier weeks. Although I feel like my belly is already huge!! ;) We'll most likely be resting up most of this week for our camping trip out to the Dumont Sand Dunes for President's Day weekend!!! I even got approval from our doctor to putt around on the quad a little bit which makes me one happy girl!!! :)

Belly picture at 14 weeks!! I feel like it's huge! Lol.

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